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The Best Time to Bring in Your Office Cleaning Crew

You’re new to the whole professional office cleaning idea, and now that you’ve signed up for services, you’re never going back. At the same time, you’re unsure of when you should have your office cleaning crew come into your building to tidy things up. From our experience at Astrid Environmental Services, here’s what we recommend:

  • Morning—For many companies, early or mid-morning is the best time for office cleaning. We recommend this schedule if things are slow to start up in the mornings as people trickle in. Plus, many companies are less likely to hold important meetings earlier in the day.
  • Afternoon—Later in the day is a good time for office cleaning if your employees clear out for lunch or a majority leave for client visits or other meetings. Note that afternoon can be tricky if you have a busy office, as cleaning equipment can often be loud.
  • Evening—Many companies opt for office cleaning in the evening after the workday is done and their employees have gone home. However, you may want to schedule cleaning at a different time if you have employees who often work late or your business is open 24 hours.

We’re happy to work with your schedule and try out a few office cleaning time slots before you find the right time for your business. Give us a call today to schedule your first office cleaning appointment and find out more about our services!